Every Thursday 11am
All are welcome, please invite your Senior family and Savy friends.
Please contact the Church office for more details. (410) 566-5063
The following are some of the highlights of the achievements and contributions under The Former Pastor Bronson's leadership:
Under the pastorate of Dr. Bronson, New Christian has been instrumental in the lives of ministers such as the late Elder Martin Jacob, of Shiloh Christ Deliverance Church; Reverend Jimmy Baldwin, who now pastors Shiloh Christian Community Church; Reverend Edward Ferguson, now pastor of the New Life Church; the late Reverend Dwight Caldwell and Reverend Tyrell Lassiter was youth ministers.
During his services, Pastor Bronson has exhibited personal concern for all by using his skills and resources in the area of counseling and guidance. Standing ever by his side are his devoted wife Irma, his children, and his grandchildren.
The loyalty and contributions of the membership and our friends through the years have been great. The horizon of New Christian Memorials’ future is still greater. We are proud of our Youth, who are the church of today and tomorrow, which must convey our hopes and aspirations in the future. Ministers at New Christian Memorial Church who support the pastor.
The Bible is God's manual for us. Basic Instructions Before Living Eternal.
If you believe that God created us, then It's best to stick to His words. In these words, you will find counsel and direction for your life. Read it every day and you will gain insight into how to overcome challenges and defeat the Evil one.
New Christian Memorial Church
3525 West Caton Avenue - Walter Bronson Way, Baltimore, MD 21229