10am Sunday Morning
1 The Lord has need of workers, to till His field today,
So kindly He has led me to walk in wisdom’s way;
I pray for grace to help me with all my heart to say,
O blessed Savior, count on me.
Count on me, count on me,
For loving-hearted service glad and free;
Yes, count on me, count on me,
O blessed Savior, count on me.
2 I count on Thee, dear Master, for cleansing in Thy blood,
For constant streams of blessing, a never-failing flood;
To ever-new fruition I see Thy mercies bud,
O blessed Savior, count on me. [Refrain]
3 Now gird me for the battle when evil pow’rs oppose,
And give me faith and courage to conquer o’er Thy foes;
I pledge Thee my allegiance, my soul no other knows,
O blessed Savior, count on me. [Refrain]
4 I’ll bear another’s burden along a lonely way,
Or teach that burden-bearer with confidence to pray;
In service ever loyal, at home or far away,
O blessed Savior, count on me. [Refrain]
Wednesdays, 6:00pm
NCMC Sanctuary
Exodus Chapter 16
January 15, 2025
"Don't let nobody going to Hell have more fun than you do going to Heaven"!
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New Christian Memorial Church
3525 West Caton Avenue - Walter Bronson Way, Baltimore, MD 21229